Friday, September 4, 2009
Forex Market Participants
The main participants in the forex market are central banks, commercial and investment banks, hedge funds, pension funds, corporations and private speculators. An estimated 95% of the daily trading volume in the is done by speculators and investors - ranging from the individual trader to the leading banks of the world.
The remaining 5% is traded by companies and governments who need to convert profits made in the course of doing business into their domestic currency.
The advent of online trading has made the forex market more accessible than ever before - opening up the opportunity to individual speculators in a less expensive and more efficient manner.
Understanding Forex Quotes
The US dollar is the centerpiece of the Forex market and is normally considered the 'base' currency for quotes. In the "Majors", this includes USD/JPY, USD/CHF and USD/CAD. For these currencies and many others, quotes are expressed as a unit of $1 USD per the second currency quoted in the pair. For example, a quote of USD/JPY 110.01 means that one U.S. dollar is equal to 110.01 Japanese yen.
When the U.S. dollar is the base unit and a currency quote goes up, it means the dollar has appreciated in value and the other currency has weakened. If the USD/JPY quote we previously mentioned increases to 113.01, the dollar is stronger because it will now buy more yen than before.
The three exceptions to this rule are the British pound (GBP), the Australian dollar (AUD) and the Euro (EUR). In these cases, you might see a quote such as GBP/USD 1.7366, meaning that one British pound equals 1.7366 U.S. dollars.
In these three currency pairs, where the U.S. dollar is not the base rate, a rising quote means a weakening dollar, as it now takes more U.S. dollars to equal one pound, euro or Australian dollar.
In other words, if a currency quote goes higher, that increases the value of the base currency. A lower quote means the base currency is weakening.
Currency pairs that do not involve the U.S. dollar are called cross currencies, but the premise is the same. For example, a quote of EUR/JPY 127.95 signifies that one Euro is equal to 127.95 Japanese yen.
When trading forex you will often see a two-sided quote, consisting of a 'bid' and 'offer'. The 'bid' is the price at which you can sell the base currency (at the same time buying the counter currency). The 'ask' is the price at which you can buy the base currency (at the same time selling the counter currency).
Calculating Profit and Loss
To illustrate a typical FX trade, consider the following example.
The current bid/ask price for EUR/USD is 1.2320/23, meaning you can buy 1 euro with 1.2323 US dollars or sell 1 euro for 1.2320 US dollars.
Suppose you decide that the Euro is undervalued against the US dollar. To execute this strategy, you would buy Euros (simultaneously selling dollars), and then wait for the exchange rate to rise.
So you make the trade: to buy 100,000 euros you pay 123,230 dollars (100,000 x 1.2323). Remember, at 1% margin, your initial margin deposit would be $1,232 for this trade.
As you expected, Euro strengthens to 1.2395/98. Now, to realize your profits, you sell 100,000 euros at the current rate of 1.2395, and receive $123,950.
You bought 100k Euros at 1.2323, paying $123,230. You sold 100k Euros at 1.2395, receiving $123,950. That’s a difference of 72 pips, or in dollar terms ($123,950 - $123,230 = $720).
Total profit = US $720
(TIP: When trading EUR/USD or any Euro cross e.g. EUR/JPY, each pip is worth $10, per 100,000 trade).
The Risks of Trading in the Forex Market
The Risks of Trading in the Forex Market
Forex Trading Regulation
In addition to understanding how the off-exchange forex market works and some of the risks associated with this product, there are other unique features about the market that you need to understand before you decide whether to invest in this market and which dealer to use.
Who regulates off-exchange foreign currency trading?
The CFTC has some regulatory authority over retail off-exchange forex markets. The Commodity Exchange Act (CEA) allows the sale of OTC forex futures and options to retail customers if, and only if, the counterparty (the person on the other side of the transaction) is a regulated entity. These regulated entities include the following: financial institutions, such as banks and savings associations, registered broker-dealers and certain of their affiliates, registered futures commission merchants (FCMs) and certain of their affiliates, certain insurance companies and their regulated affiliatess financial holding companies, and investment bank holding companies. Under the CEA, the CFTC has the authority to shut down any unregulated entity that acts as a counterparty to forex futures oroptions transactions with retail customers. The CFTC also has the authority to take action against registered FCMs and their affiliates for violating the anti-fraud and anti-manipulation pro-visions of the CEA in connection with OTC forex transactionsinvolving retail customers, but the CFTC cannot adopt rules toregulate these transactions. NFA has rules to protect customers in the retail off-exchange forex market. As mentioned later in this article, firms that introduce customers to forex dealers do not have to be regulated enti-ties. NFA’s rules provide, among other things, that a forex dealer FCM must take responsibility for the activities of unregulated entities that solicit retail customers. Additionally, NFA’s rules require forex dealer FCMs to: observe high standards of commercial honor and just and equitable principles of trade in connection with the retail forex business; supervise their employees and agents and any affiliates that act as counterparties to retail forex transactions; maintain a minimum net capital requirement based on the value of open customer positions; and collect security deposits from those customers. NFA’s forex rules do not apply to all FCMs and their affiliates, however. Therefore, you should ask the dealer if NFA regulates its forex activities.
The Foreign Exchange Market
Institutional FX
Basically, Institutional Forex is the big end of town when it comes to foreign exchange. Here, we are talking about a market with daily transactions in excess of 3 trillion dollars. To be ‘big’ in this business is to talk about huge amounts of funds being traded in an instant. While it is standard to trade in 5 to10 million dollar parcels, quite often 100 to 500 million dollar parcels get quoted. But what is important (and comforting) to note, is that even financial institutions are vulnerable to market moves and they are also subject to market volatility. In a practical sense, what this means is that because the market is simply too big, no one player can hope to control this largest of the world’s financial markets.
No one is bigger than the market – not even the major global brand name banks can lay claim to being able to swing the markets. Thus, so-called ‘insider’ information is not only very hard to come by, it is quite doubtful that even if someone had it would it be anything but a ‘blip on the screen’ with minimal value.
The Participants
Whether big or small scale, banks participate in the currency markets from the point of view of managing their own foreign exchange risks and that of their clients. They also speculate in the currency markets should their dealer/traders have a particularly strong view of the market. What probably distinguishes them from the other players is their unique access to the buying and selling interests of their clients. This knowledge can provide them with insight to the likely buying and selling pressures on the exchange rates on a particular day or other small timeframe.
Deals are transacted by telephone with brokers (we will talk about these people later) or via an electronic dealing terminal connection to their counter party. The usual transaction time is somewhere between 5 and 10 seconds. The skills of the foreign exchange dealer demands agility of reflexes and decisiveness, particularly when we are talking about transaction sizes of multi-million dollar amounts.
The ostensible role of the foreign exchange dealing desk in a bank or other financial company is to make profits trading currency directly and in the managing of in-house and clients’ trading positions. However, their roles will also include periodic hedging or arbitrage opportunities.
The foreign exchange broker acts as an agent in the same way that a stockbroker acts in the equities market. The slight difference being that they usually confine their activities to acting between interbank market participants and they do not accept orders from corporate clients.
Through their extensive and direct electronic contacts with the banks, brokers take and match currency buying and selling orders of their bank clients. Of course, this is done for a fee. The value to the banks using this service is that it is usually done quickly because orders can be placed and dealt in a matter of seconds, and it avoids the bank having to deal on a competitor’s price and pay the ‘spread’ on the transaction.
Many of these brokering functions have been significantly computerized, cutting out the need for human handling of the orders.
Central Banks
The majority of developed market economies have a central bank. The role of a central bank tends to be diverse and can differ from country to country. In Singapore for instance, it is the Monetary Policy of Singapore (or MAS for short) and is charged with the responsibility of maintaining an orderly market for the national currency, which is known as the Singapore dollar.
In a practical sense this involves monitoring and checking the prices dealt in the inter-bank market. Sometimes, they even ‘test’ market price by actually dealing to check the integrity of the quoted prices. In extreme circumstances where the central bank feels prices are out of alignment with broad fundamental economic values, the central bank may ‘intervene’ in the market to influence its level directly. The intervention can take the form of direct buying to push prices higher or selling to push prices down. Another tactic that is adopted is stepping into the market and ‘jawboning,’ or commenting in the media about its ‘preferred’ level for the currency.
Bankers, fund managers and companies all tend to respect the opinions of the central banks (if not always agreeing) as their sheer financial power to borrow or print money gives it a huge say in the value of a currency. The opinions and comments of a central bank should never be ignored and it is always good practice to follow their comments, whether it in the media or on their website.
As the name implies, this represents companies and businesses of any size from a small importer/exporter to a multi-billion dollar cash flow enterprise that are compelled by the nature of their business to engage in commercial or capital transactions that require them to either purchase or sell foreign currency.
Fund Managers
These participants in the currency markets are basically international and domestic money managers. They tend to deal in the hundreds of millions, as their pools of investment funds tend to be very large. Because of their investment charters and obligations to their investors, they are constantly seeking the best investment opportunities for those funds.
In short, they invest money across a range of countries and class of investments on behalf of a range of clients including pension funds, individual investors, governments and even central banks. This segment of the foreign exchange market has come to exert a greater influence on currency trends and values as time moves forward.
Forex vs. Equities
24-Hour Trading: Forex is a true 24-hour market, which offers a major advantage over equities trading. Whether it's 6pm or 6am, somewhere in the world there are always buyers and sellers actively trading foreign currencies. Traders can always respond to breaking news immediately, and P&L is not affected by after hours earning reports or analyst conference calls.
After hours trading for U.S. equities brings with it several limitations. ECN's (Electronic Communication Networks), also called matching systems, exist to bring together buyers and sellers - when possible. However, there is no guarantee that every trade will be executed, nor at a fair market price. Quite frequently, traders must wait until the market opens the following day in order to receive a tighter spread.
Superior Liquidity: With a daily trading volume that is 50x larger than the New York Stock Exchange, there are always broker/dealers willing to buy or sell currencies in the FX markets. The liquidity of this market, especially that of the major currencies, helps ensure price stability. Traders can almost always open or close a position at a fair market price.
Because of the lower trade volume, investors in the stock market are more vulnerable to liquidity risk, which results in a wider dealing spread or larger price movements in response to any relatively large transaction.
100:1 Leverage: 100:1 leverage is commonly available from online FX dealers, which substantially exceeds the common 2:1 margin offered by equity brokers. At 100:1, traders post $1000 margin for a $100,000 position, or 1%.
While certainly not for everyone, the substantial leverage available from online currency trading firms is a powerful, moneymaking tool. Rather than merely loading up on risk as many people incorrectly assume, leverage is essential in the Forex market. This is because the average daily percentage move of a major currency is less than 1%, whereas a stock can easily have a 10% price move on any given day.
The most effective way to manage the risk associated with margined trading is to diligently follow a disciplined trading style that consistently utilizes stop and limit orders. Devise and adhere to a system where your controls kick in when emotion might otherwise take over.
Lower Transaction Costs: It is much more cost-efficient to trade Forex in terms of both commissions and transaction fees. charges NO commissions or fees whatsoever, while still offering traders access to all relevant market information and trading tools. In contrast, commissions for stock trades range from $7.95-$29.95 per trade with online discount brokers up to $100 or more per trade with full service brokers.
Another important point to consider is the width of the bid/ask spread. Regardless of deal size, forex dealing spreads are normally 3-4 pips (a pip is .0001 US cents) in the major currencies. In general, the width of the spread in a forex transaction is less than 1/10 that of a stock transaction, which could include a .125 (1/8) wide spread.
Profit Potential In Both Rising And Falling Markets: In every open FX position, an investor is long in one currency and short the other. A short position is one in which the trader sells a currency in anticipation that it will depreciate. This means that potential exists in a rising as well as a falling market.The ability to sell currencies without any limitations is another distinct advantage over equity trading. In the US equity markets, it is much more difficult to establish a short position due to the Zero Uptick rule, which prevents investors from shorting a stock unless the immediately preceding trade was equal to or lower than the price of the short sale.
How Forex Works
The off-exchange forex market is a large, growing and liquid financial market that operates 24 hours a day. It is not a market in the traditional sense because there is no central trading location or “exchange.” Most of the trading is conducted by telephone orthrough electronic trading networks. The primary market for currencies is the “interbank market” where banks, insurance companies, large corporations and other large financial institutions manage the risks associated with fluctuations in currency rates. The true interbank market is only available to institutions that trade in large quantities and have a very high net worth. In recent years, a secondary OTC market has developed that permits retail investors to participate in forex transactions. While this secondary market does not provide the same prices as the interbank market, it does have many of the same characteristics.
How are foreign currencies quoted and priced?
Currencies are designated by three letter symbols. The standard symbols for some of the most commonly traded currencies are EUR Euros, USD United States dollar, CAD Canadian dollar, GBP British pound, JPY Japanese yen, AUD Australian dollar, and CHF Swiss franc. Forex transactions are quoted in pairs because you are buying one currency while selling another. The first currency is the base currency and the second currency is the quote currency. The price, or rate, that is quoted is the amount of the second currency required to purchase one unit of the first currency. For example, if EUR/USD has an ask price of 1.2178, you can buy one Euro for 1.2178 US dollars. Currency pairs are often quoted as bid-ask spreads. The first part of the quote is the amount of the quote currency you will receivein exchange for one unit of the base currency (the bid price) andthe second part of the quote is the amount of the quote currency you must spend for one unit of the base currency (the ask or offer price). In other words, a EUR/USD spread of 1.2170/1.2178 means that you can sell one Euro for $1.2170 and buy one Euro for $1.2178. A dealer may not quote the full exchange rate for both sides of the spread. For example, the EUR/USD spread discussed above could be quoted as 1.2170/78. The customer should understand that the first three numbers are the same for both sides of the spread.
What transaction costs will I pay?
Although dealers who are regulated by NFA must disclose their charges to retail customers, there are no rules about how a dealer charges a customer for the services the dealer provides or that limit how much the dealer can charge. Before opening an account, you should check with several dealers and compare their charges as well as their services. If you were solicited by or place your trades through someone other than the dealer, or if your account is managed by someone, you may be charged a separate amount for thethird party’s services. Some firms charge a per trade commission, while other firms charge a mark-up by widening the spread between the bid and ask prices they give their customers. In the earlier example, assume that the dealer can get a EUR/USD spread of 1.2173/75 from a bank. If the dealer widens the spread to 1.2170/78 for its customers, the dealer has marked up the spread by .0003 on each side. Some firms may charge both a commission and a mark-up. Firms may also charge a different mark-up for buying the base currency than for selling it. You should read your agreement with the dealer carefully and be sure you understand how the firm will charge you for your trades.
Profiles of Market Gurus
Jesse Livermore, Bernard Baruch, WD Gann, Jay Gould, Tom Baldwin, Charlie D, Ed Seykota, Lewis Borsellino, David Kyte, Martin "Buzzy" Schwartz, Bill Lipschutz, Jimmy Cayne
Hedge Fund Managers
George Soros, Phil Falcone, Toby Crabel, Alfred Winslow Jones, Julian Robertson, Stevie Cohen, Jim Rogers, John Arnold, Blair Hull, John Paulson, Jim Simons, Ken Griffin, Dan Loeb, T. Boone Pickens, Paul Tudor Jones, Chris Hohn, Noam Gottesman, Alan Howard, Stanley Druckenmiller, Ray Dalio, Louis Bacon, Israel Englander, Jeffrey Gendell, Dinakar Singh, Chase Coleman, John Griffin, Andreas Halvorsen, Bill Ackman, Jim Chanos, James Dinan, Eddie Lampert, Raj Rajaratnam, Dan Och, Richard Perry, Larry Robbins, Tim Barakett, John Burbank, Stephen Feinberg, Stephen Mandel, Jim Pallotta, Chris Shumway, Jonathan Lourie, William Von Mueffling, David Tepper, John Zwaanstra, Nicola Horlick
Great Investors
Sir John Templeton, Benjamin Graham, Warren Buffett
Technical Analysts
Munehisa Homma, Ralph Nelson Elliott, Welles Wilder, Charles Dow, George Lane, Robert Prechter, J. Peter Steidlmayer, Jack Schwager
Alan Greenspan, Arthur Pigou
Benoit Mandelbrot
Richard Sandor, Leo Melamed, Jimmy Wales
Market Technicians Association - MTA
The International Federation of Technical Analysts - IFTA
Chartered Market Technicians Certification
ArticlesBlack Days and Legendary Trades
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
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Always remember to test the Forex trading software on a demo account first before setting it with a live account no matter how fantastic or error proof you think it is! This is important as it allows you to test the reliability and also get yourself familiarized with the software and the different uses and effects of the indicators. At the beginning, it might be difficult to use a Forex trading software, however, you will eventually get used to it soon and become more efficient with it. Be a happy trader!
Forex PIP Explained
Forex PIP Defined is the smallest increment in price for a currency pair. The Forex pip is an acronym for Percentage in Point. Unlike dollars and cents which are shown with two decimal places, the Forex market currencies are shown with four decimal places. The smallest increment in price which is .0001 is what is referred to as a PIP. For example in the EURUSD the movement from 1.3894 to 1.3895 is one PIP.
The formula to calculate forex pip value is to take one pip and divide it by the price of the currency pair value and then multiply it by one unit which is 10000. You then need to change it to the USD so you multiply it by the current price. For Example Using the USDCAD
(.0001/1.2148) X 10000 = .8232 X 1.2148 = $1.00
You will always see that with any currency pair the pip value is always $1.00 per 10000 currency units. You may think that this value is very low. However you need to take into account that currencies are traded in lots of $100,000.00 which is $10.00 per pip. When you purchase one lot for $10.00 and the currency increases by 3 pips you have gained $30.00.
It is very important that you understand the Forex PIP Explained above as you will be using pips in calculating your profit and losses. Make sure you read this over and over again as The Forex PIP is the basis for trading in the Forex market
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Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Finexo Review
Finexo is a forex trading broker that believes forex shouldn’t just be for experienced traders. They have tried to create a very user friendly interface that allows newbie and expert traders the chance to trade forex easily and quickly, without much hassle at all.
Finexo also believes in flexibility, especially when it comes to forex trading. This is why they offer numerous methods of funding trading accounts. Also, once an account is created, it isn’t restricted too much. Changes can be made based on what the trader needs. This helps to make trading much easier.
Another important aspect of Finexo is their desire to improve the trading skills of their users. Finexo wants you to make money in forex, which is why they provide daily reports and market analysis, exclusive to Finexo traders. They also make sure that all information on the site is up-to-date and in real time so that traders get the right information as soon as it is available.
Finexo is a well established trading platform with many features and solid support. You really cannot go wrong with them, as they don't seem to have any glaring issues or problems.
Customer satisfaction with Finexo is relatively high as they cannot find much fault in this broker. This is probably because Finexo really caters to the needs of its clients and tries to make sure their experience is as positive as possible.
Forex Web Trader More Information
Forex Web Trader is a sister company to Finexo. The official relationship is that Forex Web Trader is an introducing broker of Finexo, but there are some slight differences between accounts opened directly with Finexo and those opened through Forex Web Trader, which will be discussed in this broker review.
Traders opening accounts through Forex Web Trader actually place all trade orders with Finexo, which is located in Dusseldorf, Germany, and is regulated under BAFIN in the European Union. Finexo has been online since 2003, and utilizes a white labeled version of Saxo Bank's trading platform.
Forex Web Trader Highlights
Low minimum deposits of just $25 make it ideal for beginners
Overall rating = Forex Web Trader
Minimum deposit $25
Pip and spread value 2/5
Usability 3/5
Features 4/5
Customer support 4/5
Reliability 5/5
Trading tools 3/5
This system provides an easy access to the trading system. You do not have to download the software. You have to just start working on it. This makes it easy and fast to trade in forex.
Summary of features:
Easy and fast to work on
Accounts from just $25
Mobile trading available
Experts panel available
Can be used by new traders
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morning around 8AM EST. I wanted to trail the stop, but
fell asleep because of whacky sleeping patterns last week.
Luckily price didnt suddenly reverse on me through my stop
again. I'm thinking about moving the s/l asap to 1.2170, about
breakeven. I'll cover on another bounce around 1.1205 area,
but I'd like to leave the trade open and hopefully make some
decent gains on a break below 1.2060 area. I wish I wouldve
gotten in earlier, but have been focusing on the GBPUSD and
USDCHF lately.
Is anybody in this trade?
What do you think about moving my stop to 1.2170? Too tight?
I placed it here because I'm thinking there is at least two levels
of resistance from where we are now on Fri close @ 1.2124:
1)1.2140 Fri high after bounce from 1.1203 (near Fri low) and ~50%
fibo from Friday high to 1.1203
2)just above 61.8% fibo (1.2159)of 1.2213->1.2077) and a prior intraday
support for Friday
If it breaks these, then I will wait until a break of 1.2213 to glong
or play smaller fibos to look for small pip gains until there is a clear
I want to be in a somewhat of a decent position just in case if it
breaks out of this daily consolidation. I might be able to re-enter
on a bounce of 1.1205 area and back down off of 1.2200 area. What do you
think of my reasoning?
How can I improve this type of fibo support/resistance analysis ... maybe with some indicators? I noticed the intraday and daily double tops and headandshoulders, btw, but didnt mention them. Both are trend reversal signals, so it is a high probality we will see more downside, but it's still kind of iffy as to when for me.